A private school in Antalya that provides 30+ different nationalities students aged 3-19 with the opportunity to experience different cultures and values under the same roof
Antalya Community College offers its students aged 3-19, from 30+ different nationalities, the chance to receive education in an environment where they can experience different cultures and values under the same roof.
Multicultural education has five main features and aims. These are content integration, knowledge structuring, bias reduction, equity pedagogy, and empowering school culture and social structure. At Antalya Toplum Koleji, which gathers 30 different nationalities under the same roof, we create equal educational opportunities for all students, including those from different racial, ethnic and social class groups.
Antalya Toplum Koleji is a private Turkish school that teaches in the integrity of k12, is devoted to the values of the Republic, Atatürk's principles and revolutions, internalizes scientific thought, educates versatile individuals and provides education in a foreign language. Antalya Toplum Koleji offers its students a strong academic programme. The curriculum of the Ministry of National Education is enriched and international programmes are included in the academic programme.
Our school has teachers from 12 different nationalities. The world of international education is a melting pot of individuals, and learning from a global perspective provides students with exposure to different cultures, ethnic groups, religions and languages in the process, enriching society and broadening the academic experience for all. Our teachers bring their own wealth of knowledge, skills, subject-specific expertise and understanding of different education systems from around the world.
Well-being includes mental and physical health, physical and emotional safety and sense of belonging, sense of purpose and achievement. Our school plays an important role in supporting our students to make healthy lifestyle choices and to understand the impact their choices have on their health and well-being. Childhood and adolescence are critical periods in developing long-term attitudes towards personal well-being and lifestyle choices. The social and emotional skills, knowledge, and behaviors young people learn in the classroom help them build resilience and model how to manage their physical and mental health throughout their lives. There is a direct link between well-being and academic success.

- Indoor Sports Hall
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Cimnastik Salonu
- 2 Art Workshops
- 2 Music Rooms

- 2 Science
- 2 Chemistry
- 1 Physics
- 1 Biology
- 1 ICT

- Conference Room
- 2 Costume Rooms
- 2 Backstage
- 1 Foyer Area

- Printed 8000 Resources
- JSTOR Subscription
- Follett Subscription
- Electronic Journals
- E-Book Collection
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News From Us
📚 Bilgi Güçtür! 💡
Eğitim, geleceğimizi şekillendiren en güçlü araçtır! 🎓 Antalya Toplum Koleji olarak öğrencilerimize sadece bilgi vermiyoruz, onlara düşünmeyi, sorgulamayı ve üretmeyi öğretiyoruz. Çünkü bilgi güçtür ve bu güçle geleceği inşa ediyoruz! 🚀✨
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Antalya Toplum Koleji `nde sevgi her zaman bir adım öndedir!
Sevgiyi ifade etmenin sayısız yolu olduğuna inandığımız 14 Şubat’ta; sevginin binbir rengini şiirlerle, şarkılarla, danslarla ve videolarla paylaştık.
Öğrencilerimizle geçirdiğimiz bu anlamlı günde, sevgi ve iyiliğin her zaman bizimle olmasını diledik.
At Antalya Toplum College, love always takes the lead!
Believing that there are countless ways to express love, on February 14th, we shared the many colors of love through poetry, songs, dances, and videos.
On this meaningful day spent with our students, we wished for love and kindness to always be with us.

Antalya Toplum Koleji ile güçlü gelecek 🏆
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Türkiye Şampiyonu Bizden!
Antalya Toplum Koleji Ortaokulu 6. sınıf öğrencisi Deniz Aytöre, Yalova’da gerçekleşen “Wushu Kung Fu Türkiye Şampiyonası”nda minikler kategorisinde Türkiye 1’incisi olarak bizleri gururlandırmıştır.
Öğrencilerimizi ve emeği geçen öğretmenlerimizi tebrik ediyoruz.
Turkey Champion is Ours!
Deniz Aytöre, a 6th-grade student from Antalya Toplum College Middle School, has made us proud by becoming the 1st place winner in the ‘Wushu Kung Fu Turkey Championship’ held in Yalova, in the category of minors.
Congratulations to our students and the teachers who contributed.

2024-2025 Eğitim ve Öğretim Yılı Okul Sporları 3X3 Basketbol Küçük Erkekler Besketbol takımımız Döşemealtı ilçe 2.’si olmuştur. Tüm sporcularımızı ve emeği geçen öğretmenlerimizi tebrik ederiz.
Our 2024-2025 School Sports 3X3 Basketball Junior Boys Basketball team has achieved 2nd place in Döşemealtı district. Congratulations to all our athletes and the teachers who contributed.

Antalya Toplum Koleji İlkokulu öğrencileri, kış gösterimiz kapsamında Mezopotamya’dan başlayarak dünyanın dört bir yanında var olmuş eski uygarlıkları tanıtırken, bu uygarlıkları drama, şarkılar ve danslar eşliğinde sahneye taşıdılar. Türkçe ve İngilizce dil becerilerini keyifle sergileyerek velilerimize unutulmaz bir gösteri sundular.
Gösteride, Mezopotamya uygarlıklarından Göbekli Tepe’ye, Stonehenge’den Çin Seddi’ne, Machu Picchu’ya kadar pek çok ikonik tarihi yapıyı yaratıcı drama etkinlikleriyle tanıttılar. Eski medeniyetleri ve ikonik tarihi yapıları eğitici ve eğlenceli bir şekilde sahnemizde sunarak, sanatsal ifadeyle bilgiyi harmanladılar.
Kış gösterimiz, tarih, kültür ve sanatın birleştiği unutulmaz bir etkinlik olarak hafızalarımızda yerini aldı.
As part of our winter performance, the students of Antalya Toplum Koleji Primary School explored ancient civilizations from Mesopotamia and beyond, bringing these cultures to life through drama, music, and dance. With enthusiasm, they showcased their Turkish and English language skills, delivering a truly memorable performance for our parents.
Throughout the performance, they introduced several iconic historical landmarks, from the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Göbekli Tepe to Stonehenge, the Great Wall of China, and Machu Picchu, all through engaging creative drama activities. They presented these ancient civilizations and historical monuments in an educational yet entertaining way, combining knowledge with artistic expression.
Our winter performance was an unforgettable event, seamlessly blending history, culture, and art, and will remain etched in our memories.

Her an bir ilhamdır 🌎
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🔍 Merak Et, Keşfet, Geleceğini Şekillendir! 🚀
Merak, öğrenmenin ilk adımıdır! 🌍 Antalya Toplum Koleji`nde her soru, yeni bir keşfe açılan kapıdır. 🚪✨ Bilgiyi sadece ezberlemek yerine deneyimleyerek öğreniyor, hayallerimizi gerçeğe dönüştürüyoruz!
💡 Yeni fikirler üretmek, sınırları aşmak ve dünyayı farklı bir gözle görmek için sen de bu yolculuğa katıl! 🚀
📚 Merak et, keşfet, ilham ver!
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